Sunday, April 29, 2018

Update April 29th

*The warm weather is coming!  Please dress students in layers. While the mornings are still cool, during the warm weather months our classrooms can quite warm!  Please be sure to send kiddos in with short sleeves under warmer clothes.  Also, please continue to send in water bottles from home that can be refilled throughout the day.  We take water breaks often to recharge and allow for movement breaks.

*In Math, our focus will be on 3D Shapes (sphere, cylinder, cube, rectangular prism.)  We will also learn about telling time to the half hour.

*In Writing, we will begin to write our final drafts of our Pond Animal Research groups.  Last week, the class researched "wow facts" about their animals.  Everyone had the opportunity to share their facts with their home table and then we shared out all together on the rug.  Many students shared facts they learned from another student.

*Last week you received Parent Input Forms for 2nd grade.  We will begin to place students in their classes for next year.  Your input is helpful to the process.  Forms are due this Monday, April 30th.

*On Wednesday, the Museum of Science's Starlab will be coming to Robinson.  This inflatable planetarium will allow the students to learn more about the sun, moon and stars.  Learn more here: Starlab

*This Friday, I will send home the 2nd Distance Learning Assignment.  This assignment is all about Space and coordinates well with our Science unit on Sky Patterns.  It is due back to school on Friday, May 18th.  I will submit attendance on May 19th.

*On Friday, our book buddies will come to Robinson to meet with us.  The first graders and fourth graders enjoy reading to each other.

*Students will be practicing for their Bugs and Blossoms play this week.  We hope you'll join us next Friday, May 11th at 2:00pm for our show!

*The Robifulli Family Fest is coming up on Friday, May 11th from 5-7:30.  Mrs. Grimm's class and our class are creating a fun "outside play" basket to raffle off at the fest.  We've received a lot of great stuff.  We'll continue to accept donations until this Friday, May 4th.  Please no more sidewalk chalk, we have plenty.   :)

Looking Ahead:
May 8th- School Store
May 11th- First Grade Play @ 2:00pm
May 18th- Distance Learning #2 Due
May 23rd- Field Day
May 28th- No School, Memorial Day
June 6th- Excellence Fair @ 2:15pm
June 8th- School Wide Dance Party

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Update April 22nd

*Good Afternoon!  I hope everyone had a great vacation week.  I look forward to reading what you did over vacation tomorrow during Weekend News.

*The Friday before vacation, you should have received the first Distance Learning Bag (aka Blizzard Bag.)  Students are expected to return their bag by this Friday, April 27th in order to earn credit for a day in school.  If students do not return their bags, they will be marked absent on Saturday, April 28th.  Please let me know if you need any help from me to complete the work.  Students can return their bag any day this week.

*In Math, we will continue to divide shapes into equal parts.  We will also learn and explore with 2D and 3D shapes.  

*In Science, we will begin our unit on Sky Patterns.  Students will learn about the sun and moon and their roles in our universe.

*We're also learning about bird's eye view and creating maps in our social studies unit, Maps & Globes.

*In Writing, students will start to write their final draft of their informational writing on pond animals.  This process will take some time over the next several weeks to finish.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Update April 8th

*We had a great time visiting our 4th grade Book Buddies on Friday.  It had been so long since we saw them and the kids settled right in to read books and enjoy their buddies.  We'll welcome the 4th graders to Robinson in May.

*This Tuesday, April 10th we have School Store for first grade.  Please send no more than $2 for students to spend!

*On Friday, students are encouraged to wear blue, yellow and sneakers for a Boston Marathon Spirit Day!

*April Vacation is next week.  We will not be in school April 16-April 20th.  We'll return on Monday, April 23rd.

*This Friday, we will send home our first Distance Learning Bag for students to complete.  The theme of this bag is FROGS!  The first grade team had a lot of fun putting together fun and educational assignments.  Bags are due back to school before Friday, April 27th.  In order for students to receive credit for attendance, they will need to return their bags and completed activities.  I will be putting in attendance on Saturday, April 28th for all students.  Please let me know if you need anything to help your child complete their assignments.  In addition, if you're going away for April vacation and your child is going to be absent BEFORE April vacation, please send me an email letting me know!

*In Writing, we are continuing to gather research about pond animals.  This week, we'll research the food and habitat of our pond animals.

*In Math, we will begin Unit 8.  The focus of unit 8 is geometry.  Students will learn about polygons and equal shares of shapes this week.