The Westford Public
Schools Writing program is based on three areas of writing: Narrative Writing, Opinion Writing and Informational Writing. Listed below are some of the objectives that are taught
throughout the year with this program.
Three Writing Areas
Small Moments: Personal Narrative Writing
*Making a small moment
seem big.
*Zooming in on a small
*Stretching out a
small moment.
*Sketching rather than
*Talking about details
before writing them.
*Telling a story
across your fingers to find the beginning, middle, and end.
*Storytelling with
*Focusing on the most
important part.
*Revealing internal
stories: showing voice.
*Writing effective
*Revising and editing
with partners.
Opinion Writing
*Learning fact vs. opinion
*Forming an opinion. Using facts to justify the opinion.
*Writing opinions in form of a letter.
*Using strategies for editing and revising.
Informational Writing
*Choose a pond animal to research.
*Deciding on subtopics.
*Researching pond animal.
*Creating final informational book.
*Use non-fiction features to provide information.
*Using strategies for
editing and revising.
Helping at Home:
Help your child edit writing pieces by checking for:
*Use of punctuation.
*Appropriate use of uppercase letters.
*Spaces between words.
*Use of Handwriting without Tears handwriting