*On Friday, we practiced our first ALICE Drill. During our first drill, we evacuated and the second drill, the students barricading the door and were ready to counter. I was incredibly proud of all of the students. Everyone remained calm, worked together and showed great leadership. You should all be very proud of your kiddos!
*Last week, the class filled up our classroom "expected behavior" pom pom jar for the 2nd TIME! The class voted to get a class fish. I was able to fund a fish, tank and all of the accessories through a grant from "Pets in the Classroom." Our class fish will spend its first day in Room 3 tomorrow. We will vote on the fish' name as a class tomorrow!
*On Monday, the first graders will meet to learn more about our upcoming service learning project to the Westford Food Pantry. Students will learn about the problem and find out their roles in helping collect food for the pantry.
*On Tuesday, we will visit the Westford Food Pantry with Mrs. Mannone and Miss Dean's classes. We will survey the shelves and make list of items the food pantry needs. We will bring the list of items back to our school community and ask all students to join us in collecting food items. In a few weeks, Mrs. Capobianco and Mrs. Carvalho's classes will go to the food pantry to stock the shelves!
*Wednesday is Picture Day! It is recommended that students avoid wearing green, as they will stand in front of a green screen for photos! We don't want any floating heads!
*Looking Ahead: Monday, October 8th (Columbus Day) and Tuesday, October 9th (Professional Development) there is NO SCHOOL.
*Reading Groups are now in full swing! Students will come home with books to read a couple times a week. Please read at home, sign off on the reading log and return the next day.
*In spelling this week, we will focus on words with short a, o and u.
*In Math, we will focus on subtraction number models, tally marks, combinations of 10 and addition.
*In Science, we will learn more about the differences in animal and human senses. Last week, we were able to observe roots growing on seeds and students planted their seeds in soil.
*In Writing, we are learning about the importance of using periods at the end of sentences. At this point, we're expecting to see students experimenting with periods.