Sunday, November 25, 2018

Update November 25th

*I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday weekend.  It was nice to meet with all of you last week to discuss your child's progress in first grade.  Thank you for taking the time to come in and meet with me!  We picked out a Christmas tree this weekend with our extended family, a tradition of ours each Thanksgiving weekend. 

*On Thursday morning, we will have our Turkey Trot.  Thank you for sending in donations to support our school and our students.

*Over the next several weeks, we will begin to learn about Fall/Winter holidays. The holidays we will focus on throughout our time are:
Las Posadas

If there is a winter holiday your family celebrates that's not on this list please let me know.  I would love to add a holiday your family celebrates to our list to learn about!

*In Math, we will begin Unit 4.  Unit 4's focus is on measurement.  We will make estimates and measure objects with standard and non-standard units of measurement.

*In Spelling this week, we will continue to practice writing words with and King-ed at the end. 

*In Writing, we will work on our end of unit Writing Prompt.   I will look for students to use all of the elements of writing we've talked about since the beginning of the year.  Students will be expected to: 
*Use best handwriting- with spaces between words
*Capital letters at beginning of sentences and for names
*Periods or exclamation points at end of sentences
*At least 3 sentences
*Lots of details
*Outside and Inside Feelings

*In Social Studies, we will finally begin to make our products for our businesses.  Thank you for sending in donations!

*We will finish our Non-Fiction Features book this week.  

Looking Ahead:

December 4th- School Store
December 6th- 12:20pm Early Release
December 7th-Book Buddies @ Crisafulli

Friday, November 9, 2018

Update November 9th

*There is no school on Monday, November 12th in observance of Veteran's Day.  Thank you to all of those who have served in the military to keep us protected!

*The last day to sign up for conferences online is Tuesday, November 13th by 3:30pm.  You can follow the link to sign up:

*I will be out on Wednesday at Jury Duty.  Please remind students of using expected behavior at school!

*On Thursday, students will have the chance to go to the Book Fair.  They will be able to shop or create a wishlist for parents.  A flyer with more information about Book Fair went home yesterday.

*On Friday, we will welcome author and illustrator, Emilie Boon to our school.  Each first grade will meet with Emilie individually and learn about the process she takes to make a book.  Students will also practice Emilie's technique for her illustrations by creating their own book.  I am need of one parent volunteer for this event.  I will need someone that can help set up, stay for the presentation and help Emilie clean up at the end.  The total time needed is from 12:15-1:45 on Friday, November 16th.  Please send me an email if you're able to help!

*On Friday, we will walk the Robifulli trail to Crisafulli to visit with our 4th grade Book Buddies. We will be out of our building from 9:45-11:00.  Please dress students for the weather!

*In Math, we will finish up our Unit 3 Assessment and begin Unit 4.  The focus for Unit 4 in math is standard and non-standard units of measurement.

*In Writing, we are working on adding transition words (next, last, after that) and fancy words to our writing.

*We will not be sending home a spelling list for the next two weeks.  We will focus on reviewing the words already taught, especially king-ed words and students will work to write the power words we've learned so far.

*We hope to begin creating goods for our classroom businesses on Tuesday afternoon.  Please send in any donations of business materials to school by Tuesday. Thank you!

Looking Ahead:
November 11th- No School (Veteran's Day observed)
November 13th- Last Day for Conference Sign Up Online
November 14th- Mrs. Conway has Jury Duty
November 16th- Author Visit- Emile Boon
November 19th- No School, Afternoon Parent/Teacher Conferences
November 20th- 2 Hour Delay- Morning Parent/Teacher Conferences 
November 21st- Turkey Trot
12:20pm Early Release
November 22 & 23- No School

Friday, November 2, 2018

Update November 2nd

 *To sign up for Parent/Teacher conferences, please use the online conference sign-up.  The link for sign-up will be available here
starting Tuesday, November 6th at 3:30pm until Tuesday, November 13th at 3:30pm.  

*On Tuesday, it will be School Store for first grade.  We suggest that you send in no more than $2 for students to spend at School Store.

*On Wednesday, we will welcome Author and Illustrator, Salina Yoon to our school.  Salina will be visiting from California.  She is the author of such books as "Found," Be A Friend" and the Penguin series books.  We've enjoyed reading her books as a class and getting to know her characters.

*We will continue writing our Non-Fiction books "All About Me."  This week, the students will illustrate a picture of their home and find the Robinson School on a map.

*This week in Spelling, we will focus on words that end with e.  We call these words King Ed words.  King Ed sits at the end of the word telling the vowel before him to "say your name."  For Example kit becomes kite with King Ed at the end.

*In Math, we will learn about frames and arrows, which will help us practice addition and subtraction facts. We will also practice using a calculator to help with skip counting.

*In Economics, students will work creating a business.  They will work in teams to decide on a business they can create (paper fans, jewelry, holiday decorations, etc.)  Once students create a business plan with their team, I will send home a list of items we're asking to be donated to help build our businesses.  Students will then work on their products over the next few weeks.  Finally, we'll sell our items to the other "businesses" in our classroom.

*In handwriting, we will continue to work on our lowercase letters.  I'm encouraging students to begin using lowercase letters when appropriate.

*The class once again filled the pom pom jar from showing expected behavior in our classroom.   They voted today and ask to see one of my world famous headstands!  

Looking Ahead:
November 6th- Conference Sign Up Online
November 6th- School Store
November 7th- Author Visit- Salina Yoon
November 11th- No School (Veteran's Day observed)
November 14th- Mrs. Conway has Jury Duty
November 16th- Author Visit- Emile Boon
November 19th- No School, 2-8pm Parent/Teacher Conferences
November 20th- 2 Hour Delay- 8:30-10:45 Parent/Teacher Conferences 
November 21st- 12:20pm Early Release
November 22 & 23- No School