Sunday, December 16, 2018

Update December 16th

*Last week, our class filled our Pom Pom Jar another time!  Students earned pom poms individually or by displaying whole class expected behaviors.  The class voted on a prize for filling the jar and have decided to have another "Bring Your Stuffed Animal to School Day" this Tuesday, December 18th.  They should bring one stuffed animal from home and it should be small enough to fit in their backpack.  I hope they'll bring a different stuffed animals than the last time.  

*Last week I sent home a holiday tradition homework sheet.  I'd like to use this  homework to help the students write a story about their family's favorite holiday tradition on Thursday.  Here is another copy of the assignment if your student did not complete it. I can also send a hard copy home tomorrow if needed.  It would be great if everyone could send it back in by Thursday to help with writing ideas.  Thanks. 

*Friday will be pajama day at Robinson.  Students (and winter party volunteers) are welcome to wear their pajamas to school.  Students can bring slippers to wear in class, but must have regular shoes for recess and to get to and from school.  We will also have a school wide holiday sing-along in the morning.

*On Friday, we will have our Winter Party.  Thank you for all the volunteers and donations of food and beverages.  The party is from 12:45-1:30.  Volunteers should arrive around 12:30 and donations can be dropped off anytime before 12:30.  Thanks!

*In Math, we will finish up Unit 4 and the students will have a math assessment on Tuesday.

*We will have spelling homework this week and a check-in on Friday.  The week after holiday break we will not have spelling since it is a short week.

*We will learn about holiday traditions celebrated around the week this week.  Students will learn about Las Posadas, Diwali, Hanukkah, Chinese New Year, Kwanzaa and Christmas.

Looking Ahead-
Holiday Break- No School December 24th-January 1st- We will return to school on Wednesday, January 2nd.

Monday, January 21st and Tuesday, January 22nd- No School- MLK Day and Professional Development Day

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Update December 9th

*This week we will finish Unit 4 of Everyday Math.  Our focus is on making combinations of 10 (addition facts) and adding 3 numbers.  Last week we learned to play Fishing for 10.  This game can be played at home with a regular deck of cards by taking out the Jacks, Queens and Kings.

*Mr. Middlemiss will come in on Wednesday to read our next Care To Read book called, Ricky, the Rock That Couldn't Roll.

*Savanah will be our Star of the Week this Friday.  We can't wait to learn more about her!

*We will finally finish our Non-Fiction All About Me books!  I hope to send them home this week.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Update December 2nd

*On Tuesday morning, we have School Store for first grade.  This might be a good opportunity for your child to pick up a small gift for a sibling, cousin or friend at school store for the holidays.

*This Thursday, December 6th is an 12:20pm Early Dismissal Day.  We will have snack in the morning.  Please send a note if your child's dismissal plans are changed for the day.

*We will travel to Crisafulli on Friday from 9:45-11:00 to visit our 4th Grade Book Buddies!  Please dress students for the weather, boots are probably best for the trail.

*Please continue to spend in water bottles to school with your child.  We take frequent water breaks to refuel our body and mind for learning.

*The Turkey Trot on Thursday was a great success!  The students enjoyed running, walking and dancing throughout the course.

*Last week, the students did a great job creating goods to sell at the businesses.  They are all anxious to now sell what they've made.  On Wednesday, the students will take turns "buying" from their classmates businesses.  They do not need to bring money from home, we will use play money to "buy" our goods.

*In Math, we will focus on collecting data, using tally charts and bar graphs.  We will also practice addition facts.

*In reading groups, we will focus on character's feelings.  Students will write about how the character is feeling in their reading response journal.

*In Writing, our focus is using transition words and "fancy" words in our writing.

*Our Winter Party is scheduled for Friday, December 21st from 12:45-1:30.  I will send out an email shortly to check in with donations and parent volunteers.  Thanks!