Friday, December 13, 2019

Update December 13th

*Friday will be pajama day at Robinson.  Students (and winter party volunteers) are welcome to wear their pajamas to school.  Students can bring slippers to wear in class, but must have regular shoes for recess and to get to and from school.  We will also have a school wide holiday sing-along and a dance party to celebrate making our fundraising goal for the Turkey Trot.  Also, we reached our goal (plus more) for the hats and mittens drive.  Mrs. Boylan will be throwing a pie in Mr. Middlemiss' face at the sing-along.  It is sure to be a super fun day!

*On Friday, we will have our Winter Party.  Thank you for all the volunteers and donations of food and beverages.  The party is from 1:45-2:30.  Volunteers should arrive around 1:30 and donations can be dropped off anytime before 1:30.  Thanks!

*In Math, we will finish up Unit 4 and the students will have a math assessment on Monday and Wednesday.

*We will not have spelling this week.  We also will not have spelling the week we get back from vacation (since it's only a two day week.)

*We will learn about holiday traditions celebrated around the week this week.  Students will learn about Las Posadas, Diwali, Hanukkah, Chinese New Year and Christmas.

*We will write and share about our family's holiday traditions this week in writing.

Looking Ahead:
December 21-January 1st- No School, We will return on January 2nd.

January 20th- No School, Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Friday, December 6, 2019

Update December 6th

*If you are interested in volunteering or donating food/beverages for our Winter Party (Friday, December 20th) please follow the link to sign up through sign up genius.  Volunteers would need to arrive by 1:30pm.  Food would also need to be dropped off before 1:30.  Thanks so much!

*This week we will finish Unit 4 of Everyday Math.  Our focus is on making combinations of 10 (addition facts) and adding 3 numbers.  We will learn to play Fishing for 10.  This game can be played at home with a regular deck of cards by taking out the Jacks, Queens and Kings.

*Last week in Social Studies, we explored maps and filled in areas on our Robinson School Map.  Next week, we will learn about cardinal direction and build our own compass rose.  We will also find our house on a map of Westford.

*Please return the Holiday Traditions Homework by Wednesday.  We will use this for writing later this week/next week.

*In Recess Club, we will review the 4 Zones of Regulation and talk about ways to get back in the green zone (ready to learn) when we go into the blue (sad/tired,) yellow (upset) and red (angry/destructive) zones.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Update November 27th

*I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving holiday weekend.  It was nice to meet with all of you this week to discuss your child's progress in first grade.  Thank you for taking the time to come in and meet with me!  

*This Thursday, December 5th is an 12:15pm Early Dismissal Day.  We will have snack in the morning.  Please send a note if your child's dismissal plans are changed for the day.

*Over the next several weeks, we will begin to learn about Fall/Winter holidays. The holidays we will focus on throughout our time are:
Las Posadas
Chinese New Year
If there is a winter holiday your family celebrates that's not on this list please let me know.  I would love to add a holiday your family celebrates to our list to learn about!

*In Social Studies, we will begin our new unit on Mapping. We will explore maps from all over the world and also our school map.  We will learn about the features found on maps.

*In Math, we will focus on collecting data, using tally charts and bar graphs.  We will also practice addition facts.

*Please continue to spend in water bottles to school with your child.  We take frequent water breaks to refuel our body and mind for learning.

*In reading groups, we will focus on character's feelings.  Students will write about how the character is feeling in their reading response journal.

*Our Winter Party is scheduled for Friday, December 20th from 1:45-2:30.  I will send out an email shortly to check in with donations and parent volunteers.  Thanks!

Looking Ahead:
December 5th- 12:20pm Early Release
December 20th- Winter Party/Pajama Day
December 21-January 1st- No School, We will return on January 2nd.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Update November 15th

*In Math, we will continue Unit 4.  Unit 4's focus is on measurement.  We will make estimates and measure objects with standard and non-standard units of measurement.

*In Spelling this week, we will continue to practice writing words with and King-ed at the end. 

*In Writing, we will work on our end of unit Writing Prompt.   I will look for students to use all of the elements of writing we've talked about since the beginning of the year.  Students will be expected to: 
*Use best handwriting- with spaces between words
*Capital letters at beginning of sentences and for names
*Periods or exclamation points at end of sentences
*At least 3 sentences
*Lots of details
*Outside and Inside Feelings

*We will finish our Non-Fiction Features book this week.  

*On Friday morning, we will walk to Crisafulli to meet our book buddies.  Please dress your child for the weather outside.

*On Friday, students will go to the Book Fair in the afternoon.  Students can shop at Book Fair or make a wishlist for you to shop during conferences.

*I am looking forward to seeing you next week to discuss your child's progress.  You should receive an email from reminding you of your conference time.  However, if you need a reminder, please just send me an email.  

Looking Ahead
November 21st,  - Author Visit- Emilie Boon 

November 22nd- Book Buddies and Book Fair

November 25th- No School, 2-8pm Parent/Teacher Conferences

November 26th- 2 Hour Delay- 8:30-10:45 Parent/Teacher Conferences 

November 27th- Turkey Trot & 12:20pm Early Release

November 28th and 29th- No School

December 5th- 12:20pm Early Release

Friday, November 8, 2019

Update November 8th

*There is no school on Monday, November 11th in observance of Veteran's Day.  Thank you to all of those who have served or are continuing to serve in the military to keep us protected!

*I sent home next week's spelling list on Friday (November 8th.) Since there is no school on Monday, I wanted students to have the time to practice words if they would like.  We will continue to focus on words with king Ed at the end.

*The sign up link to sign up for conferences will be found on the Robinson School homepage on Tuesday, November 12th at 3:30pm.  Please sign up for a conference that fits your schedule for either Monday, November 25th or Tuesday, November 26th.

*Thank you for all of the offers to volunteer when author Emilie Boon comes in.  I am all set with two volunteers now.

*In Math, we will finish up our Unit 3 Assessment and begin Unit 4.  The focus for Unit 4 in math is standard and non-standard units of measurement.

*In Writing, we are working on adding transition words (next, last, after that) and fancy words to our writing.

Looking Ahead:
November 11th- No School (Veteran's Day)

November 21st, 12:10-1:10 - Author Visit- Emilie Boon (I am in need of two parent volunteers.  Please email me if you are available.)

November 25th- No School, 2-8pm Parent/Teacher Conferences

November 26th- 2 Hour Delay- 8:30-10:45 Parent/Teacher Conferences 

November 27th- Turkey Trot & 12:20pm Early Release

November 28th and 29th- No School

December 5th- 12:20pm Early Release

Friday, November 1, 2019

Update November 1st

*On Tuesday, it will be School Store for first grade.  Students are able to purchase small school supplies.  We suggest that you send in no more than $2 for students to spend at School Store.

*We will begin writing our Non-Fiction books "All About Me."  Please send in a photograph of your child to use in their book.  You can also email me a picture and I will print it out.

*This week in Spelling, we will focus on words that end with e.  We call these words King Ed words.  King Ed sits at the end of the word telling the vowel before him to "say your name."  For Example kit becomes kite with King Ed at the end.

*In Math, we will learn about frames and arrows, which will help us practice addition and subtraction facts. We will also practice using a calculator to help with skip counting.

*In Social Studies, we are learning about being good citizens.  We are also learning about leaders in our country (Neil Armstrong, Clara Barton and George Washington.)  We are talking about common character traits of these leaders: brave, hard worker, caring.

*In handwriting, we will continue to work on our lowercase letters.  I'm encouraging students to begin using lowercase letters when appropriate.  Please encourage your child to start their letters at the top for proper letter formation.

*The class once again filled the pom pom jar from showing expected behavior in our classroom.   Last week they voted to watch a "movie." We watched an episode of Super Monsters on Netflix on Halloween morning.

*On November 21st, we will welcome author and illustrator to our school to teach the first graders about being a writer.  I am in need of one more parent volunteer for this time (11:50-1:20.) Please email me if you are available to help.

*We had a great visit with Mr. LaCoste this morning.  I posted a quick video of the students singing "Don't Give Up on Me" on the seesaw app.  Also, be sure to follow the Robinson School Facebook page for more videos and photos which will be uploaded later today and over the weekend.

Looking Ahead:
November 5th- School Store

November 11th- No School (Veteran's Day)

November 21st, 12:10-1:10 - Author Visit- Emilie Boon (I am in need of two parent volunteers.  Please email me if you are available.)

November 25th- No School, 2-8pm Parent/Teacher Conferences

November 26th- 2 Hour Delay- 8:30-10:45 Parent/Teacher Conferences 

November 27th- 12:20pm Early Release

November 28 & 29- No School

Friday, October 25, 2019

Update October 25th

*This Thursday, October 31st at 12:45pm, is our Harvest Party.  Thank you to the parent volunteers and parents that have signed up to donate items for the party! Students may bring costumes in school to wear only during the Harvest Party.  The costumes should be brought to school in a bag with your child's name on it.  No face paint, masks or weapons will be allowed.  

*In Math, we will practice counting on the number line, counting to add/subtract and skip counting.

*In Social Studies, we learned about leaders and rights/responsibilities.  This week we will create a list of leaders in history and present-day.  We will learn about Neil Armstrong and discuss his character traits.

*In comprehension, we will continue to learn about Non-Fiction features: table of contents, glossary, labels, captions, index, bold words.

*In Spelling, we will work on pattern words that rhyme with -all, -ill and -ell.  I will continue to send home spelling lists.  The activities are optional assignments.

*Star of the Week: I will be the first Star of the Week in our class.  On Friday, I will share personal photos, collections and some of my favorite things with the class.  Each Friday we will choose a new Star of the Week.  Every student will have a chance to share.  When your child is chosen, you will receive a letter with information and a poster for your child to fill out.  My hope is for everyone to have their own special time to share a little bit about themselves.

Looking Ahead
October 31st at 12:45- Harvest Party
November 5th- School Store
November 11th- No School (Veteran's Day)
November 21st, 12:10-1:10 - Author Visit- Salina Yoon (I am in need of two parent volunteers.  Please email me if you are available.)
November 25th- No School, 2-8pm Parent/Teacher Conferences
November 26th- 2 Hour Delay- 8:30-10:45 Parent/Teacher Conferences 
November 27th- 12:20pm Early Release
November 28 & 29- No School

Friday, October 18, 2019

Update October 18th

*Thank you for sending in donations for our three school parties.  If you have not sent in the $6 donation for parties, you can send it in with your child in their BEE Binder.   I will go out this weekend to get supplies for our first party, the Harvest Party!

*In Math, we begin Unit 3.  Our focus this week is finding the parts of a number story and their totals.  We will also play domino top it.  Domino Top It is a game you could play at home if you have a set of dominoes.

*Domino Top-It*

1.    Place all of the dominoes on the table face down.

2.    Each player turns over one domino and counts the dots on each end of the domino.

3.    In turn, players say the number model corresponding to their domino; i.e., 4 + 7 =11 (for 4 dots on one end and 7 dots on the other).

4.    The player with the largest sum takes all of the dominoes from that round.

5.    Play continues until all dominoes are gone.

6.    The player with the most dominoes at the end of the game is the winner.

*Reading Groups are going really well.  Some of you have noticed students coming home with reading response journals in their reading bags.  Most of the time I send these home just so you can see what we're working on in reading group.  If I'm expecting the students to do any work in them at home, I will mark that on the reading log.  

*We will begin to learn about Non-Fiction features this week.  We will find features in a read aloud book and then students will explore other non-fiction books from our classroom library to find features.  

*We will begin a social studies unit focusing on Civics.  This week our focus will be on discussing groups we are part of  and the roles different people play.  We will also learn the word "citizen" and talk about what good citizens do at home, school and in our community.

*In Recess Club, we will review expected behaviors and students will share expected behaviors they noticed over the week.  We will read the book How to Lose All of Your Friends and make a list of unexpected behaviors at school.

Looking Ahead
October 31st at 12:45- Harvest Party
November 5th- 1st Grade School Store
November 11th- No School (Veteran's Day observed)
November 25th- No School, 2-8pm Parent/Teacher Conferences
November 26th- 2 Hour Delay- 8:30-10:45 Parent/Teacher Conferences 
November 27th- 12:20pm Early Release

November 28 & 29- No School

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Update October 13th

There is no school Monday, October 14th or Tuesday, October 15th.

*Since this is a short week, we will not be sending home a spelling list.  I will send home math homework on Thursday only.

*In Math, we will finish up Unit 2.  Our focus during this unit has been on solving addition and subtraction number stories and using multiple strategies and tools to solve.  We will finish this week with a math assessment to check where students are and allow me to plan for the next unit.

*Last week in writing, we focused on the inside story of our small moment stories.  The outside story is what happened.  For example: We went apple picking with our cousins.  The apples were high up on the trees and hard to reach.  My big cousin had to help me."  The inside story is how you felt.  For example,"It was the best time ever!"  In first grade, many students inside stories are simply "it was fun."  Last week we created a list of interesting and different ways of saying "it was fun."  This week, we will create a list of ways to say "it was not fun."  Students will practice using these interesting ways of sharing their inside story in pieces they have already finished.

*Last week, we began Recess Club.  In Recess Club, we use the new Mindfulness Space in our school to learn social skills needed to navigate first grade.  Last week, we reviewed what expected behaviors we should see at school (listening to the speaker, hands are for helping, safe bodies.)  This week, our focus will be on what we think friendship is and what is expected and unexpected in friendships.  We will read a book called "You Are Friendly" by Todd Snow.  Student's training assignment for the week will be looking out for expected and friendly behaviors.  They will also practice expected behaviors at recess, school, home, one the bus and in the community.

*On Friday, we will meet our 4th grade Book Buddies from Crisafulli. The 4th graders will come to visit us at Robinson.  Each student will be paired with one or two 4th grade buddies.  They will converse, read with one another and get to know each other over the course of the school year.  Next month we will travel to Crisafulli.

*Just recently, we welcomed a new student to our classroom.  Everyone did such a great job of welcoming her! I have updated the friendship list with her contact information.  You can access the list here:

Monday, October 7, 2019

Update October 7th

*This week, the students welcomed a new fish into our classroom.  Our fish is named Chicken and he is very happy to join our classroom.  Students are taking turns feeding Chicken and reading to him during Read to Someone.

*In Math, we will practice using a calculator and work on change to more and change to less number stories.

**In Writing, we are writing "small moment" stories.  Small moment stories are taking a big story like going on a trip and picking one small moment from the trip to write about.  For example, the plane ride or your favorite ride at Disney.  

*In Science, we will talk about what body parts help different animals to survive.  We will observe our new fish, Chicken.  We will also discuss how parents take care of their offspring.

*On Wednesday, we will have an all school community meeting to talk about the "i" in Spirit, Inclusion.  Our class will lead community meeting by teaching the school a morning greeting we do often called Snowball.

*If you have not signed up for Seesaw yet, please join us. I'm updating often with student work and fun information about things going on in our classroom. The link to sign up and follow your student's work is here:

*Last week I emailed volunteer times to everyone who sent back a volunteer form. If you think you signed up to volunteer in our class and you haven't heard from me, please send me an email.

*Our Harvest (Halloween) party is on Thursday, October 31st in the afternoon. We have 3 parties in first grade. I am asking each student to send in a $6 donation to help with the costs of the 3 parties. If you could send in the donation by the middle of next week, that would be helpful!

Looking Ahead:
Monday, October 14th- No School, Columbus Day
Tuesday, October 15th- No School, Professional Development

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Update September 29th

*On Saturday, along with my girls, my mom and some great teachers from Robinson, I walked in the Middlemiss Family 5k.  The 5k supports the Joseph Middlemiss Big Heart Foundation and the LaCoste Family.  The weather was perfect for the event.  It was nice to see so many Robinson families!

*On Wednesday, we have picture day!  Please send back forms students need to have their pictures taken Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.  We are lucky to have the first time slot for pictures so the kids will still be camera-ready!

*On Friday, we will welcome our first Mystery Reader.  This year, I'm trying to schedule Mystery Readers on or close to their child's birthdays.  I know many of our students have summer birthdays (I'm one of them) so we can do those any time of the year or closer to the end of school.  If you haven't signed up to be a Mystery Reader, please send me an email. 

*I will be working on getting the volunteer schedule done and schedule any new mystery readers this week!  September really flew by! I hope to start with volunteers sometime next week.

*The second week of spelling homework will begin this week.  This week was are working on words with the short vowels a, o and u.

*The plants that went home on Friday are kidney bean plants.  Students had observed their seeds for two weeks in their original paper towel habitats.  They observed and transplanted them on Friday before going home.  This week in science, we will observe how different animals and plants take in air, food and water.

*In Math, we will continue to practice addition and subtraction number models (facts/equations.)

*In handwriting, we have finished our review of uppercase letters.   The class are now experts! We will begin to practice lower case letters.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Update September 21st

The weather is perfect this weekend.  We spent some time at the Maker Farm on Friday afternoon and then spent this morning at dance class for Arya and Kit.  I can't wait to hear about all of your weekend's on Monday when we work on "Weekend News."

*In school this week, we will take part in "Start with Hello" week.  Over the course of the week, we will participate in activities to increase kindness, make new friends and create a sense of community in our school.  
On Monday, every student and staff member will wear a name tag.  Kids and adults will be encouraged to say hello to someone new.  In our class we will practice, "Hi, I'm Mrs. Conway.  What's your name?"
On Wednesday, students are encouraged to wear their favorite socks, sneakers/shoes. We will talk about where our shoes have traveled.
On Friday, we will wear anything that will bring smiles to others.  Examples include, a smiley face shirt, bright color, emoji shirt, Robinson shirt, LaCoste Strong shirt.  We will talk about small acts of kindness and spread these across our school.
To learn more about "Start with Hello" week, take a look at this website.

*Starting this week is Spelling Homework.  On Monday, students will receive their spelling list as well as a Spelling Tic Tac Toe.  Students will have activities to choose from to practice their words.  We encourage two nights of practice each week.  If your child already knows the words, you do not have to do the activities.   New activities are shared each week to work on spelling words.  If you find an activity that works well for your child but isn't on that week's list, please do it!! We will also practice these words in class this week.  On Friday, we will have a spelling check-in.  

* Unit 2 will start on Monday.  Our focuses this week are:
*counting on (starting at 5 to count up 3 more)
*turn around facts (1+2=3 so 2+1=3)
*2 Fisted Penny Addition (combos of 10)
*Subtraction Number Stories

*In Daily Five, we continue to practice Read to Self, Read to Someone, Work on Words and Work on Writing.  We will introduce Listen to Reading (Raz Kids) this week.  Last week we began reading groups (the earliest we've ever been ready since they've been working so well independently.)

Looking Ahead:
October 2nd- Picture Day
October 14th- No School, Columbus Day
October 15th- No School, Professional Development for Teachers & Staff

Friday, September 13, 2019

Update September 13th

*I hope to see many of you on Monday night (September 16th) from 7-7:45pm for Back to School Night.  We will quickly chat about curriculum and spend time learning about important information for all parents to know.  Please note, this session is for parents/guardians only (no students) in order to discuss what to expect in first grade.  If you haven't already, please take a minute to fill out this questionnaire about Back to School Night.

*Students began taking out 2 books at Library last week.  Please be sure to send books back to school each Tuesday so your child can take out another book.

*September 21st is International Day of Peace.  We hope you enjoy our display of peaceful pinwheels outside when you arrive for Curriculum Night on Monday.

*Students will have a writing ideas homework assignment this week that will be due back to school on Friday.  The paperwork and information about this will go home on Monday.  We will be using these ideas for writing throughout the school year.  Please continue to send it sticky notes on Mondays to help students remember what they did over the weekend. Every Monday, we will write about our weekend and share with our classmates.  Some students get stuck on what to write about and having a reminder from home will be helpful.

*Our Focus in Math This Week:
*data collection
*counting by 1s and 5s
*exploring math materials
*solving simple number stories
*counting larger numbers

*In Science this week, we will explore how animal's body parts help them.  Students will see how animals use their fur, blubber or feathers to keep them stay warm.  

*We will continue building the components of the Daily 5.  Students are building their stamina in Read to Self and Work on Writing.  We will introduce Read to Someone and Work on Words this week.

*In Writing, we will discuss what to do when you think you're done with a piece of writing and how to continue a story.  We will also explore how you can use known words to spell tricky words.

*On Wednesday, Mrs. Boylan will read us a book about Peace.

*On Friday we will begin the first of three guidance lessons with School Counselor, Mrs. Rivet.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Update September 6th

**Last week, we began our routine of doing "Weekend News Writing." Each Monday, students will write about something they did over the weekend.  Often times, students forget what they did over the weekend.  Please recap your weekend with your child on Sunday night or before school on Monday.  If it's helpful for your child, write a sticky note with a couple of ideas to bring to school.

*Homework will begin this week.  We will send home math homework on Tuesday and Thursday only.  Please return the next day.

**We will continue to introduce the components of Daily 5.  Last week students worked on building their Read to Self reading stamina.  This week, we will introduce Work on Writing and finding I-Pick Books.  I-Pick Books are books that students feel they can read on their own and are of interest to them.

**We will continue our Science Unit- Plants and Animal Parts.  This week, we will find similarities between offspring and their parents.  

**In Math, we will focus on 1-more, 1-Less Number Stories, Comparing and Ordering Numbers and Introducing Tally Marks.  We will also learn the rules of some important math games.

**Our classroom tends to get warm throughout the day.  We take frequent water breaks to fuel our bodies.  Please consider sending your child to school each day with a refillable water bottle.

*As a class, we created a long list of rules that will keep us safe at school and allow us to learn best.  We introduced the new elementary core values, SPIRIT to the students.  Later in the week, we put the rules into the core value categories.  We will review these rules this week.

*On Friday, we will celebrate Dot Day.  Students will listen to Peter Reynolds books throughout the week and we will some fun Dot art activities.

Looking Ahead
**Grade One Back to School Night is Monday, September 16th from 7:00-7:45pm. 
These sessions will be for parents and guardians only. This will allow much needed time for teachers to focus on curriculum topics and for parents to ask questions. I hope to greet many of you as I discuss the first grade curriculum.
Please take a minute to fill out this short questionnaire about Back to School Night:

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Update August 29th

Hello!  I hope you enjoy Labor Day Weekend with family and friends!  I had such a great time meeting and getting to know the class this week.  What a great group!  We practiced many classroom routines and will continue to practice everyday routines in the coming weeks.  Students will continue to build independent skills with morning, lunch and afternoon routines.  One of our goals in first grade is to foster independence with everyday tasks both at school and at home.

**If you have not returned any important forms to school, please do so this week.  Getting the office updated on important student information is essential.  Forms that need to be returned are: Living Lab Permission Slip, Robifulli Trail Permission Slip, Allergy Information, Student Handbook Info, Dismissal Form and Email Address Sign Up, Friendship List.  If you need new copies of any of these forms please email me,

**Each week I will update the blog with important information about our week.  When I do update the blog, I will send out an email to let you know.

**I was informed this week that on days that we have a half day of school, breakfast will not be served at the Before School Program.  The reason for this is because there is no staff in the cafeteria on half days.

**Please continue to send water bottles into school.  We take many water breaks throughout the day and I like to have students keep water bottles on their tables while we're in class.

**We will begin our Science unit "Plant and Animal Parts" this week.   This week we will focus on how plants and animals are like others of the same kind.  For example, what makes a dog a dog and a tulip a tulip?

***We will begin Unit 1 of our Everyday Mathematics 4.  This unit will build upon skills already learned in Kindergarten or Pre-1st.  We will play familiar games like Monster Squeeze and Bunny Hop. In addition, we will continue to learn about the math tools that will help us throughout the year.  Students will practice basic counting, skip counting and counting on the number line.

**We will begin to establish the routines of Daily Five.  Please visit the Reading & Daily 5 page on my blog to learn more.  This week we will begin exploring "Read to Self" and the 3 ways to read:
1. Read the words
2. Read the pictures (make up your own story)
3. Retell the story (retell a story you have listened to before)

**Students will practice reading and writing the 25 Kindergarten Spelling Words over the next three weeks.

Looking Ahead:

Monday, September 16th 7:00-7:45pm First Grade Curriculum Night, parents/guardians only please.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

August Update

Dear First Graders and Families,
I look forward to meeting and learning about your families this school year! We will have a great time this year learning and creating in Room 3.  

I've attached the back to school newsletter I'll send home on the first day of school for your reference.

**If you have not sent me your email address, please do!  I will be updating this blog each school week for information about what we're doing.

On the first day of school, we will meet our first grade friends in the cafeteria of the school.  Once everyone has arrived, we will walk together down to our classroom to get our day started.  During the first week, we will spend time getting to know our classroom, getting to know our school and getting to know each other.  I love to learn about my first graders and their families.  I hope you'll like learning about my family and me!

I had a great summer at home with my husband, Mr. Conway and our girls, Arya (age 4 and a half) and Kit (age 2.)