Monday, May 27, 2019

Update May 27th

*Excellence Fair is coming up this Friday, May 31st from 2:15-2:45pm.  We are inviting parents to come into school at 2:15pm to view your child's work from first grade.    During the Excellence Fair, you will have a chance to view your child's work and the other student's work as well.  We ask that you make plans for siblings during this time, so the first graders can shine!  The fair will end at 2:45 in order for parents to clear the parking lot for dismissal to begin. Please email me if you or another adult is not able to come to the Excellence Fair.  I will have a sign out dismissal form in my classroom if you would like to take your child home at the end.  They are very excited to share with your their excellent work!

*This week in Math, we will be taking three days to complete the End of Year Math Assessment (check-in.) These assessments will be passed on to your child's 2nd grade teacher and be used to help determine students that would benefit from additional math support in 2nd grade.

*We will also use our Weekend News to assess student's progress in writing this year.   Students will be able to use writing check-lists and students dictionaries to edit their work.

*During our last full week of school, we will be doing fun activities.  We will end with a pizza party on the last day of school.  I will be sending home more information on our End of Year Spirit Days this week.

Looking Ahead:

May 31st- Excellence Fair (parents invited, no siblings please) 2:15-2:45pm
June 17th- Last Day, 12:20pm Early Release

Friday, May 17, 2019

Update May 17th

*This Wednesday, May 22nd is Field Day!  We will spend part of the morning and part of the afternoon outside participating in fun games and activities.  Students decorated shirts this week to wear to Field Day.  When they come to school on Wednesday, they will change into their shirt.  I would encourage shorts or athletic pants depending on the weather.  Everyone should wear sneakers and sunscreen and bug spray if needed.  Sunscreen and bug spray need to be applied at home before coming to school.  Please also send students to school with a water bottle that is labeled with their name.

*On Friday morning, Nancy from the JV Fletcher Library will come in to talk about their Summer Reading Program.  If your family hasn't participated in the Summer Reading Program, it's a great way to continue reading throughout the summer and earn some great prizes!

*In Math, we will finish Unit 9.  We will continue to review concepts we've learned this year.  An area we continue to need support in is telling time on an analog clock.  Students should be able to tell and make times on the hour and half hour.  Students are having some difficulty when creating times.  They need reminders about the hour hand being short and minute hand long.  Also when creating half past times, the hour hand must be between two numbers.  This would be great to practice at home!

*We will be writing the 100 Power Words for the final time this year over the course of the week.  I am also beginning to assess student's reading levels.  I'm amazed at all of the growth the class has made in reading (accuracy, fluency and comprehension) this year!  We will continue to read in groups and send home books to read at home.

*Excellence Fair is coming up next Friday, May 31st from 2:15-2:45pm.  We are inviting parents to come into school at 2:15pm to view your child's work from first grade.  Over the next two weeks, students will choose pieces of work they are proud of and they believe shows Excellence.  During the Excellence Fair, you will have a chance to view your child's work and the other student's work as well.  We ask that you make plans for siblings during this time, so the first graders can shine!  The fair will end at 2:45 in order for parents to clear the parking lot for dismissal to begin. 

Looking Ahead:

May 22nd- Field Day 
May 27- No School, Memorial Day
May 31st- Excellence Fair (parents invited, no siblings please) 2:15-2:45pm
June 17th- Last Day, 12:20pm Early Release

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Update May 5th

*This Tuesday, 7th is School Store for First Grade.  This will be our last School Store of this school year. 

*This Tuesday, May 7th is also a 12:20pm Early Release.  We will have snack at school but not lunch.  Please send a note if your child has a change in dismissal.

*On Friday afternoon, the Starlab from the Museum of Science will be coming in with an inflatable planetarium.  We will have a chance to learn more to go along with our Science unit about the Sun, Moon and Stars.

*This week is Science, we will focus on the pattern the sun takes each day.  We will also focus on the change of seasons and the track the number of hours of sunlight in each season.

*In Math, we are about to begin our final unit.  Unit 9 is a review unit.  On Monday, I will pre-assess students using the Unit 9 assessment to have a better understanding on what math concepts we still need to work on. I will use the data to create math groups for the final unit and create my lessons based on the student's skills.  We are also focusing on learning about coins.  Students have learned to identify pennies, nickels and dimes and know their value.

*In Writing, the students have finished researching and making notes on their pond animal's babies, food preferences and habitat.  This week, they will begin to write their final product.  Students will work on writing complete sentences, starting with capitals and ending with periods.  They will also use their personal dictionaries to edit spelling.

Looking Ahead:

May 17th- Book Buddies at Crisafulli
May 22nd- Field Day (volunteers needed)
May 27- No School, Memorial Day
May 31st- Excellence Fair (parents invited, no siblings please) 2:15-2:45pm
June 17th- Last Day, 12:20pm Early Release