*Excellence Fair is coming up this Friday, May 31st from 2:15-2:45pm. We are inviting parents to come into school at 2:15pm to view your child's work from first grade. During the Excellence Fair, you will have a chance to view your child's work and the other student's work as well. We ask that you make plans for siblings during this time, so the first graders can shine! The fair will end at 2:45 in order for parents to clear the parking lot for dismissal to begin. Please email me if you or another adult is not able to come to the Excellence Fair. I will have a sign out dismissal form in my classroom if you would like to take your child home at the end. They are very excited to share with your their excellent work!
*This week in Math, we will be taking three days to complete the End of Year Math Assessment (check-in.) These assessments will be passed on to your child's 2nd grade teacher and be used to help determine students that would benefit from additional math support in 2nd grade.
*We will also use our Weekend News to assess student's progress in writing this year. Students will be able to use writing check-lists and students dictionaries to edit their work.
*During our last full week of school, we will be doing fun activities. We will end with a pizza party on the last day of school. I will be sending home more information on our End of Year Spirit Days this week.
Looking Ahead:
May 31st- Excellence Fair (parents invited, no siblings please) 2:15-2:45pm
June 17th- Last Day, 12:20pm Early Release