Sunday, June 16, 2019

Update June 16th

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. Arya and Kit are having a great day with Mr. Conway. 

*This is a reminder that tomorrow, Monday June 17th is our last day of school. We will have a 12:20pm Early Release. We will have a pizza party around 11. Please send your child with a drink for the pizza party. 

*Once again, thank you for a great school year! I've enjoyed my time with your kids so much. 

Friday, June 7, 2019

Update June 7

Monday, June 10th- Art Day
      We will celebrate Art today!  During the day, we will participate in fun and exciting art projects in our classroom. 

Tuesday, June 11th - Game Day
      Bring your favorite board game or card game from home.  Remember to put your name on your game.  We will share our games with friends throughout the day.  Please do NOT bring electronic games into school. 

Wednesday, June 12th  – Book & Blanket Day
      Bring a towel or blanket and your favorite book to school!  We will enjoy the beautiful weather and cozy up with a great book in the front lawn.  Please also wear sunscreen!
We will also have a school wide dance party to celebrate our fundraising efforts from the Turkey Trot last fall.

Thursday, June 13th - Movie Day
     Please bring an extra snack to school to munch on during our feature presentation!

Friday, June 14th - Red, White and Blue Day & Move Up Day
       Wear your favorite red, white and blue clothes to celebrate Flag Day!  We will also participate in Move-Up Day. Students will meet their teacher and classmates for next school year.

Monday, June 17th   - Last Day of School- 12:20 Dismissal

      We will have a pizza party to celebrate the end of the school year.  Please send in $2 if your child is going to buy pizza.  If they are not buying pizza, please send a snack.
We will have a school wide assembly to celebrate the end of the school year.

Thank you again for a wonderful year in first grade! 

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Update June 2nd

*Thank you for coming into school on Friday for the Excellence Fair.  It was so great to see how proud and excited the kids were to show you their hard work from this year.  I'm so grateful to see such incredible progress in first grade.  Grade one can be a challenging year, most students learn to read in first grade, but is it so rewarding to see their pride at the end of the school year.  I've enjoyed working with all of your kids and learning about your families this year.  I hope you will stay in touch throughout the years.  My first class is graduating from Westford Academy this year- it sure goes by fast!

*On Tuesday, the 5th grade chorus from Crisafulli will come to perform for the kindergarten, pre-1st and first grade students.  This is always a treat!

*On Wednesday, we have a speaker coming to school to present "The Secret of Kindness."

*We will begin to learn about American Symbols over the next two weeks.  We will talk about what a symbol is and learn about the White House, Bald Eagle, Liberty Bell, Statue of Liberty and the American Flag.

*In Math, we will finish up learning about coins (counting collections of coins.)  We will also play math games to reinforce math concepts.

*We will finish up our Father's Day projects this week too.

*This will be the last week for spelling homework.  I will no longer be sending home math homework for the year.

Looking Ahead:

Monday, June 10th- Art Day
      We will celebrate Art today!  During the day, we will participate in fun and exciting art projects in our classroom. 

Tuesday, June 11th - Game Day
      Bring your favorite board game or card game from home.  Remember to put your name on your game.  We will share our games with friends throughout the day.  Please do NOT bring electronic games into school. 

Wednesday, June 12th  – Book & Blanket Day
      Bring a towel or blanket and your favorite book to school!  We will enjoy the beautiful weather and cozy up with a great book in the front lawn.  Please also wear sunscreen!

Thursday, June 13th - Movie Day
     Please bring an extra snack to school to munch on during our feature presentation!

Friday, June 14th - Red, White and Blue Day & Move Up Day
       Wear your favorite red, white and blue clothes to celebrate Flag Day!  We will also participate in Move-Up Day. Students will meet their teacher and classmates for next school year.

Monday, June 17th   - Last Day of School- 12:20 Dismissal

      We will have a pizza party to celebrate the end of the school year.  Please send in $2 if your child is going to buy pizza.  If they are not buying pizza, please send a snack.