Friday, January 10, 2020

Update January 10th

*In Math, we will measure crooked paths, continue to compare numbers and continue to work with place value (tens and ones.)

*In writing, students will begin our Opinion Writing Unit.  We learn the difference between a fact and an opinion.  This can be very difficult for first graders.  Many of them believe their opinions are facts!  We will begin to make opinions and back them up with facts.

*We will finish our Social Studies unit on Mapping this week. Students will explore and create a map key for the United States.  We will also finish reading the book Around the World, Who's Been There and finish documenting where the character Miss Lewis stopped along her journey around the World.

*In Science, we will begin our Unit on Light and Sound.  This week, students will answer the question: How does light help you see?

*We had a new student start in our class this week.  You can find an updated friendship list using this link:
Mrs. Conway's Friendship List

Looking Ahead:
Monday, January 20- No School MLK JR Day

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