Sunday, October 16, 2016

Update October 16th

I hope you enjoyed the beautiful Fall weather with your family.  We took advantage of the great weather this weekend with friends and family.

*Mr. LaCoste and Mrs. Kane helped excite students about our Race For Education Fundraiser on Friday by creating a funny video for students.  Take a peek at the video, here!
Please remember to send in labels with addresses for the Race for Education fundraiser.  Labels are due back to school tomorrow, Monday, October 17th!

*If you haven't already, please send in a photo of your child to use in a Non-Fiction book about themselves.  The picture can be from any time in the life, by themselves or with family and friends.  Please note, these photos will not be returned.

*We will begin to learn the features of Non-Fiction Books during our Comprehension lessons.  Features included are: table of contents, photographs, illustrations, glossary, index, labeling and bold print.

*Reading groups are up and running at full force in our classroom.  You will begin to see your child coming home with reading books throughout the week.  You can expect books at least twice a week.  Please continue to sign off on student's reading logs and share comments when appropriate.  You may notice that in some books, I will specify a page or chapter to stop at.  Please remind students not to read on because then they'll know information about the book that others won't when we meet in group the next day.

*In writing, we continue to focus on writing small moment stories, adding punctuation to the end of sentences and capitalizing the beginning of sentences.

*In math we will focus on writing math number sentences (equations) for addition and subtraction.  Students will also be assessed using the end of Unit 2 Math assessment.  These assessments help to determine areas students need additional support in during math instruction.

*Last week in Science, we received our pet hermit crabs.  Students observed how hermit crabs behave and the body parts they use to protect themselves.  We will finish up our Plants & Animal unit in science this week.  Please help us welcome our new class pets!

*Thank you to all the parents who have offered to donate goods or time for this year's classroom parties.  We also request a $6 donation per kid to cover the costs of crafts and games during each party.  The $6 covers all 3 parties.  If you haven't already, please send money into school in an envelope marked "Party Donation" with your child's name below.  Donations will be sent to our party coordinator, Ruthanne Madsen.  Ruthanne is busy planning our first party of the year.  The Harvest party will be on Monday, October 31st.

*Please consider donating Clorox Wipes to our classroom.  We use wipes each day to clean up after snack.

*Looking Ahead*
November 8th- No School (Election Day)
November 11th- No School (Veteran's Day)

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