Sunday, October 23, 2016

Update October 23rd

*Tuesday, October 25th is first grade's first Robinson School Store.  Students will have an opportunity to visit School Store during the morning on Tuesday.  There are many school supplies on sale including pencils, erasers, rulers, etc.  I suggest sending in $2.00 or less as many items are available for this low price.

*On Wednesday, we will welcome Emilie Boon, an author and illustrator of children's books.  Students will learn about the process of writing.  They will also learn and explore with Emilie's crayon and watercolor technique of illustrating.

*In writing, we continue to focus on writing small moment stories, adding punctuation to the end of sentences and capitalizing the beginning of sentences.  

*In math, we will focus on finding parts and totals, finding strategies for solving number stories and exploring length and pairs. Students will also learn about the proper use of iPads in the classroom.  We will begin to use iPads for students to explore math skills and games.  

*In handwriting, we are finishing reviewing uppercase letters.  We will begin learning lowercase letters and their proper placement.  Last week, Coleen Noble our school Occupational Therapist, did whole class instruction on proper pencil grip.  Students have been working hard to hold their pencils correctly in order to reduce fatigue and work on neater handwriting.

*We will shift our focus to Social Studies for the next month or so.  Economics will be our first subject of the school year. During the course of this unit, students will learn about:

*Mr. LaCoste has requested that students please leave Pokemon cards at home.  Thank you.

Looking Ahead:

*Next Monday, October 31st, is our Harvest Party.  Students may bring costumes to school to wear only during the Harvest Party.  The costumes should be brought to school in a bag with your child's name on it.  No face paint, masks or weapons will be allowed.

*Tuesday, November 8th-No School
*Friday, November 11th- No School

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