Sunday, April 30, 2017

Update April 30th

*We have a very busy week coming up with our First Grade Play happening.  Students will be performing their show "America: Of Thee We Sing" on Wednesday to the school community and on Friday at 2pm for parents and families.  Please dress your child in patriotic colors (red, white and/or blue) on both Wednesday and Friday.  Their outfit does not need to be the same for both days.  We're excited to see you all on Friday.  When looking for a seat for the show, we are positioned right in the middle of the stage, so any seat should be a great seat!

*In Math this week, we will finish up Unit 8 and begin Unit 9 (Unit 9 is our last unit.)  Unit 9 is a review unit of concepts we have been working on all year.  

*In Science, we will learn about the placement of the sun in the sky and long the sun is in the sky during different times of the year.

Looking Ahead:
Friday, May 12th- Robifulli Fun Fest at Crisafulli
Thursday, May 18th- 12:20pm Early Release
Friday, May 26th- 2:15pm Excellence Fair
Monday, May 29th- No School: Memorial Day
Wednesday, May 31st- Field Day
Friday, June 2nd- My last day before maternity leave

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Update April 23rd

Happy Sunday!! I hope you all found time to enjoy the nice weather and had some time off with friends and family.  We had a busy week going to the Stone Zoo, meeting Belle from Beauty and the Beast,  exploring Bass Pro Shop and meeting Peppa Pig.

*We will have a busy week back to school this week.  We begin rehearsing for our first grade play with the rest of the first and pre-1st classes.  Please remember to put Friday, May 5th at 2:00pm on your calendar for our production of "American: Of Thee We Sing."

*This Tuesday, April 26th is School Store for first grade.  We will also welcome Mrs. Kane to our class to read the final CARE to Read book of this school year, The Chicken and the Tree.

In Math, we will focus on telling time to the half hour, data collection and number grids.  We will also continue to work on naming coins, their values and counting collections of coins.

*In Science, our focus will be on the sun and how it moves across the sky. Students will build a house and decide where to put windows in order for their house to have the most sunlight throughout the day.

*Students are making great progress on their Pond Animal research books.  We will continue creating these books over the next several weeks.

*If you would like to contribute to our raffle basket for the Robinson/Crisafulli Family Fest, please send in donations by Monday, May 1st.  Our theme for our basket is "Stuffed Animals."

Dates for Your Calendar:
Friday, May 5th @ 2:00pm- First Grade Play

Friday, May 12th @ 5-7:30pm- Robinson and Crisafulli School PTO Family Fest @ Crisafulli

Friday, May 26th at 2:15pm- Excellence Fair

Friday, April 7, 2017

April 7, 2017

*This Friday, is a Beach Day spirit day.  Students are invited to wear Hawaiian shirts, shorts (if the weather cooperates which it looks like it will,) sunglasses, hats.  No bathing suits.

*This Friday, we will enjoy a Skydome Presentation to learn about our sky and universe.  This will introduce us to our new Science unit called "Sky Patterns."  To learn more about the skydome visit,  This assembly is put on my donations collected for the PTO.  Your donations for the Race for Education at the beginning of the year helped fund this program and programs like it.

*This Friday, it an 12:20pm Early Release.  We will not have lunch at school.  We will have snack together in the morning.

*In Math, we will work on fractions and 2-D and 3-D shapes.  We will also begin our unit on coins.  The coins unit is a supplemental math unit to address Massachusetts Math Frameworks.  We will work on coins on Fridays during math centers.

*This past week, we went to the Library to gather research information on our pond animals.  We will use the notes students prepared to begin writing our informational books.

*We are finishing up our Social Studies unit on Maps & Globes.  Students did fabulous map drawings of their desks using Bird's Eye View.  We began calling ourselves mapmakers or cartographers (if you're a fancy mapmaker.)

Looking Ahead:

April 17-21st- No School, Spring Vacation

Dates for Your Calendar:
Friday, May 5th @ 2:00pm- First Grade Play

Friday, May 12th @ 5-7:30pm-**Updated Time** Robinson and Crisafulli School PTO Family Fest @ Crisafulli

Friday, May 26th at 2:15pm- Excellence Fair