Friday, May 25, 2018

Update May 25th

*I hope you all enjoy a great Memorial Day weekend.  As a reminder, we do not have school this Monday, May 28th.

*On Friday, June 1st, we will travel to Crisafulli for our last meeting with our 4th Grade Book Buddies.  Please have students dress for the weather as we will be walking the trail.

*Thank you to everyone that has helped in our classroom this year volunteering.  Our volunteer dates have come to a close for the year.  The end of the school year is very busy and our schedules change due to special events which makes it difficult to continue with volunteers.  I appreciate all the help you've give to the students and to me this school year.

*In Math, we will continue to work with addition and subtraction facts with two-digit numbers.

*We are finishing up our Pond Animal Research books this week.  I'm so proud of the work students have done to complete these books so far!

Looking Ahead:
Wednesday, June 6th- 2:15pm Excellence Fair

Friday, June 22nd- 12:20pm Early Release- Last Day of School

Monday, May 21, 2018

Update May 21st

*This Wednesday, is our Field Day.  The theme of the day is "The Beach!"  We will be outside for part of the morning and part of the afternoon.  At this time, the weather is looking to be partly cloudy and 79 degrees.  I would encourage students to wear shorts and they must wear sneakers.  We have T-Shirts that the students made at school that they will change into when they arrive.   Please put sunscreen/bug spray on your child in the morning.  We are not allowed to apply sunscreen at school.  Please also send a water bottle, with their name labeled on it, to school for the day.

*This Friday, we will send home the final Distance Learning Bag for this school year.   It will be due back on Friday, June 8th.
 Once again, I was so impressed with the student's creative writing in the 2nd distance learning bag.

*In Math, we will review 2-digit number stories, with addition and subtraction.

*In Science, we will test our amount of sunlight on the model houses we built last week.  Students were expected to build a house with 3 windows, which would allow for the greatest amount of sunlight to enter.

Looking Ahead:
Monday, May 31st- No School, Memorial Day
Wednesday, June 6th- 2:15pm Excellence Fair

Friday, June 22nd- 12:20pm Early Release- Last Day of School

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Update May 13th

*I hope you're all enjoying your Mother's Day.  I also hope you enjoyed the writing the kiddos did about their mom's this week!  They had great opinions and reasons for thinking you're all pretty special!

*This Thursday, May 17th is a 12:20pm Early Release. Students will not have lunch at school, but we will have snack in the morning.

*This week in Math, students will take the Unit 8 Cumulative Assessment which will draw upon their math knowledge from the whole year to tell me what areas they still need help with.  Unit 9 of Everyday Math is our final unit and is a review unit of all of the concepts they have learned in first grade.  Since we still have a month left of first grade and only 9 lessons left for math, we will slow down and dig into areas of math where students still need support.

*In Science, we continue to work on concepts relating to Sun, Moon and Stars.

*Last week during Daily 5, we focused on fixing up writing.  Many students are focusing on finding the appropriate place for punctuation and making sure their sentences begin with an uppercase letter.  They all did a great job fixing up (editing) their work with me last week.  I hope to have them begin to edit their own work this week using a writing checklist.

*Distance Learning #2 is due in school by this Friday, May 18th in order to get credit for a day of school.  You can send work in any day this week.

*Thank you so much for coming to our show last week.  I was so proud of everyone for doing an excellent job on stage!

*Donation Requests- I'm asking for donations of the following, please.  Thank you!
-Large Ziploc Bags

Looking Ahead:
Wednesday, May 23rd- Field Day
Monday, May 31st- No School, Memorial Day
Wednesday, June 6th- 2:15pm Excellence Fair
Friday, June 22nd- 12:20pm Early Release- Last Day of School

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Update May 6th

*This Tuesday, is our last School Store of the school year. Please send no more than $2 for students to spend.

*This Friday, May 11th at 2pm is the first grade performance of Bugs & Blossoms.  At the end of the performance you will be able to take your performer home with you if you'd like.  I will have a sign-out sheet available in our classroom after the performance.
Our costume will be a red Robinson School t-shirt or plain solid-color red, yellow or blue t-shirt, blue jeans and sneakers.  Please have students bring their shirts into school by Wednesday to wear for our dress rehearsal.  We will leave them at school until Friday.

*This Friday, May 11th is the Robifulli Family Fest at Crisafulli.  I hope to be there for the beginning of the night and hope to see many families at this fun event!

*Last Friday, the 2nd Distance Learning Assignment was sent home.  One of the activities asks the students to log-on to RazKids, listen to a story, read a story and answer questions.  If you're having trouble logging in to RazKids please let me know.  If you don't have access to RazKids, I can provide you with a paper copy of the book and questions.  The 2nd Distance Learning Assignment is due back on or before Friday, May 18th.  I hope you're enjoying these assignments.  The first grade team enjoyed creating them.  If your child is taking more than 60 minutes to complete, please stop them at the 60 minute mark and note on the cover sheet where you stopped.

*In Math, we are working on data, creating bar graphs and asking/answering data questions.  We will also look at patterns on the number grid.  At the end of the week, students will be assessed on the skills they've learned in Unit 8 of the Everyday Math curriculum.

*In Science, we will begin to explore Sun, Moon & Stars.

*The final copies of our Pond Animal research books is coming along well.  The students should be very proud of their work!

*We are finishing up our Handwriting Without Tears journals. At this point, students should be writing all uppercase and lowercase letters, starting letters at the top (except lowercase e.)  We are reviewing writing numbers.  We'll finish up the year writing silly sentences using the handwriting skills we've learned in first grade. 

*Thank you for the donations for the Robifulli Family Fest!  We have a great basket of fun, outdoor activities put together.

*Donation Requests*
-Large Ziploc Bags

Looking Ahead:
Thursday, May 17th-12:20pm Early Release
Wednesday, May 23rd- Field Day
Monday, May 31st- No School, Memorial Day
Wednesday, June 6th- 2:15pm Excellence Fair
Friday, June 22nd- 12:20pm Early Release- Last Day of School