Friday, April 26, 2019

Update April 26th

*This Tuesday, April 30th the first graders will be presenting "Under the Sea" for parents at 2:00pm. The students have been working very hard to prepare and are excited to perform for all of you.  On Tuesday, they need to wear blue or jean shorts or pants.  They also should wear a blue, green and white t-shirt.  I suggest short sleeves or sleeveless as it can get hot up on the stage.

After the performance, you can come back to our classroom to greet your child.  If you would like to take your child home at the end of the performance, I will have a dismissal check-out paper in the classroom.  You can sign them out there.  Please send me an email if you or someone from your family is not able to come to the performance.

*In Math, we will finish Unit 8.  Our focus this week will be on working with a number grid and creating shapes.

*In Writing, we will continue researching and writing information about our pond animals. Students did a great job last week learning about their animal's babies and habitats.  Our focus this week will be on the food our animals eat and interesting facts.

*In Science, we will begin our unit exploring the Sun, Moon and Stars.  This week our focus will be on the objects that we can see in the sky during the day and at night.  We will also learn about the path of the sun in the sky throughout the day.

Looking Ahead-

May 7th- 12:20pm Early Release
May 17th- Book Buddies at Crisafulli
May 22nd- Field Day (volunteers needed)
May 27- No School, Memorial Day
May 31st- Excellence Fair (parents invited!) 2:15-2:45pm
June 17th- Tentative Last Day, 12:20pm Early Release

Friday, April 12, 2019

Update April 12th

*I hope everyone enjoys their time over April Vacation.  We will not be in school April 15-19th.  We'll return on Monday, April 22nd.

*Tuesday, April 23rd, we will first grade School Store.

*On Friday, our 4th Grade Book Buddies will come down to Robinson to meet and read with us.

*In Writing, students choose the pond animal they would like to research.  We will begin to research and write notes about our pond animals.

*In Math, we will continue divide shapes in half and fourths.  We will also practice telling time to the half hour.

*In Reading, we will continue to answer comprehension questions in our response journal.  At this point, students will begin to create their own sentence starters for answering questions.  We have begun to use words in the question to start our response.  For example:
Question- What was the author's message in the book?
Sentence Starter for answer:  The author's message was...

*In Social Studies, we will make a map of our desks.  Students will be asked to incorporate all of the concepts we've learned about map making: compass rose, bird's eye view and map keys.

*We will be busy this week with rehearsals for our first grade show, Under the Sea.

Looking Ahead:
Tuesday, April 30th 1st Grade Show, "Under the Sea" at 2pm

May 16th- Early Release

May 22nd- Field Day

May 27th- No School, Memorial Day

May 31st 2:15-2:45pm 1st Grade Excellence Fair

Friday, April 5, 2019

Update April 5th

*This Monday, April 8th we will travel to the Day School to attend the Living Lab.  We will be leaving Robinson at 9:25 and returning at 11:00.  Please dress students for the weather, as we may be outside.

*In Math, we will continue to work on geometry concepts.  This week, we will learn the name of and build with 3D Shapes.  We will also construct bigger shapes with smaller shapes.

*In Social Studies, we will learn about and use map keys.

*In Writing, we will begin our study of non-fiction writing.  Students will choose a topic to research and begin writing their own information text.  The class will choose a pond animal to research, including beavers, crayfish, mallard ducks, geese and snapping turtles.

*We will begin to rehearse for our First Grade Musical Performance, "Under the Sea."  Parents are invited to join us for the performance on Tuesday, April 30th at 2:00pm.

Looking Ahead:

No School, April 15-19

1st Grade School Store, April 23rd

Book Buddies, April 26th

1st Grade Musical, April 30th at 2:00pm (families invited)

1st Grade Excellence Fair, May 31st 2:15-2:45pm (parents invited)