Sunday, February 25, 2018

Update February 25th

*We will celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday all week at school.  Please join us in these fun spirit days!

Green Eggs and Ham Lunch Day   Monday, February 26, 2018
 Students are invited to wear something green!

Fox in Socks Day   Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Today, students are invited to wear their craziest and silliest socks.  

Wacky Wednesday  Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Get wacky!  Students are invited to wear their clothes backwards, inside out, or mismatched.  
Pajama Day Thursday, March 1, 2018
What is better than snuggling up with a favorite book while wearing your comfortable PJs?  For today's festivities, students are invited to wear their pajamas to school.

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!   Friday, March 2, 2018
We are closing out our weeklong celebration, and honoring Dr. Seuss on his birthday, by inviting students to do one of the following:
  • Dress up as one of their favorite Dr. Seuss characters, or wear Dr. Seuss-inspired hat or hair style, 
  • Dress in red and white, or
  • Dress up as a favorite book character from ANY beloved book (i.e., does not have to be a book by Dr. Seuss).  
*We will welcome a new student to our classroom this week.  Anaaya will join us in class on Monday.  I'm confident that once again, my students will do a fabulous job welcoming a new student to our class.  

*In Math, we will finish up Unit 6.  Our focus will be on place value, pennies/dimes, and 2 digit numbers.

*In Social Studies, we'll learn about Amelia Earhart and Neil Armstrong.

*As part of our Opinion writing unit, we will learn how to write letters.  Students will begin to write opinion letters about something they want to change.  

Looking Ahead:
Thursday, March 15th- 12:20pm Early Release

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Update February 11th

*We will celebrate our 100th day of school on Tuesday. We'll do fun 100th day activities during math and create a class book. As a school community, we will have a pajama day to celebrate the 100th day!

*Tuesday is also school store for first graders!

*On Wednesday, we'll celebrate Valentine's Day with a party in the afternoon. Thank you to everyone for donating or volunteering for the party! Please remember to send Valentine's into school by Wednesday (no candy included.) 

*Last week the class filled up their great behavior jar with pompoms for the 2nd time. They voted to watch a movie. Last Friday, we watched an episode of the new Magic School Bus series.  I'm very proud of the great behavior I've been seeing. I'm especially proud when other adults in the building give us compliments, especially on the cleanliness of our class' section of the coatroom. 

*In Math, our focus will be on near doubles facts (5+6, 5+7.)  We will also focus on making 10 to solve harder number sentences.

*In Social Studies, our focus is on Clara Barton and the Wright Brothers. Last week, the class came up with following character traits to describe Washington and Lincoln: brave, leader, kind.

*Wish List:
We would appreciate donations of:
*tacky glue
*empty egg cartons

Thank you for all of the donations of paper towel rolls. We are all set for this year!

Looking Ahead:
*No School, February 19-23

Friday, February 2, 2018

Update February 2nd

*Wednesday, February 7th is a 12:15pm Early Release.  We will not have lunch at school.  Please send students to school with a snack.

*Just a reminder we have wellness every other Monday (not this week) and every Wednesday.  Please send students to school with sneakers these days.

*We will begin our study of Famous Americans (one of my personal favorite units!)  We will begin with famous Americans that lived long ago and create a timeline in our classroom.  Our focus will be on finding common character traits that connect all of the famous people.  This week we'll learn about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

*In Math, we will begin Unit 6.  Our focus will be on telling time to the hour and 2-digit number stories.  We continue to work on place value, including the value of numbers.  We've been working on answering the following questions..."what's the value of the 2 in 24?" "What's the value of the 9 in 39."

*This past week we began our writing unit, Opinion Writing.  Students learned the differences between facts and opinions.  We will continue our writing about our favorite fruits.

Looking Ahead:
February Vacation-No School- February 19th-February 23rd