Friday, December 13, 2019

Update December 13th

*Friday will be pajama day at Robinson.  Students (and winter party volunteers) are welcome to wear their pajamas to school.  Students can bring slippers to wear in class, but must have regular shoes for recess and to get to and from school.  We will also have a school wide holiday sing-along and a dance party to celebrate making our fundraising goal for the Turkey Trot.  Also, we reached our goal (plus more) for the hats and mittens drive.  Mrs. Boylan will be throwing a pie in Mr. Middlemiss' face at the sing-along.  It is sure to be a super fun day!

*On Friday, we will have our Winter Party.  Thank you for all the volunteers and donations of food and beverages.  The party is from 1:45-2:30.  Volunteers should arrive around 1:30 and donations can be dropped off anytime before 1:30.  Thanks!

*In Math, we will finish up Unit 4 and the students will have a math assessment on Monday and Wednesday.

*We will not have spelling this week.  We also will not have spelling the week we get back from vacation (since it's only a two day week.)

*We will learn about holiday traditions celebrated around the week this week.  Students will learn about Las Posadas, Diwali, Hanukkah, Chinese New Year and Christmas.

*We will write and share about our family's holiday traditions this week in writing.

Looking Ahead:
December 21-January 1st- No School, We will return on January 2nd.

January 20th- No School, Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Friday, December 6, 2019

Update December 6th

*If you are interested in volunteering or donating food/beverages for our Winter Party (Friday, December 20th) please follow the link to sign up through sign up genius.  Volunteers would need to arrive by 1:30pm.  Food would also need to be dropped off before 1:30.  Thanks so much!

*This week we will finish Unit 4 of Everyday Math.  Our focus is on making combinations of 10 (addition facts) and adding 3 numbers.  We will learn to play Fishing for 10.  This game can be played at home with a regular deck of cards by taking out the Jacks, Queens and Kings.

*Last week in Social Studies, we explored maps and filled in areas on our Robinson School Map.  Next week, we will learn about cardinal direction and build our own compass rose.  We will also find our house on a map of Westford.

*Please return the Holiday Traditions Homework by Wednesday.  We will use this for writing later this week/next week.

*In Recess Club, we will review the 4 Zones of Regulation and talk about ways to get back in the green zone (ready to learn) when we go into the blue (sad/tired,) yellow (upset) and red (angry/destructive) zones.