Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Update November 27th

*I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving holiday weekend.  It was nice to meet with all of you this week to discuss your child's progress in first grade.  Thank you for taking the time to come in and meet with me!  

*This Thursday, December 5th is an 12:15pm Early Dismissal Day.  We will have snack in the morning.  Please send a note if your child's dismissal plans are changed for the day.

*Over the next several weeks, we will begin to learn about Fall/Winter holidays. The holidays we will focus on throughout our time are:
Las Posadas
Chinese New Year
If there is a winter holiday your family celebrates that's not on this list please let me know.  I would love to add a holiday your family celebrates to our list to learn about!

*In Social Studies, we will begin our new unit on Mapping. We will explore maps from all over the world and also our school map.  We will learn about the features found on maps.

*In Math, we will focus on collecting data, using tally charts and bar graphs.  We will also practice addition facts.

*Please continue to spend in water bottles to school with your child.  We take frequent water breaks to refuel our body and mind for learning.

*In reading groups, we will focus on character's feelings.  Students will write about how the character is feeling in their reading response journal.

*Our Winter Party is scheduled for Friday, December 20th from 1:45-2:30.  I will send out an email shortly to check in with donations and parent volunteers.  Thanks!

Looking Ahead:
December 5th- 12:20pm Early Release
December 20th- Winter Party/Pajama Day
December 21-January 1st- No School, We will return on January 2nd.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Update November 15th

*In Math, we will continue Unit 4.  Unit 4's focus is on measurement.  We will make estimates and measure objects with standard and non-standard units of measurement.

*In Spelling this week, we will continue to practice writing words with and King-ed at the end. 

*In Writing, we will work on our end of unit Writing Prompt.   I will look for students to use all of the elements of writing we've talked about since the beginning of the year.  Students will be expected to: 
*Use best handwriting- with spaces between words
*Capital letters at beginning of sentences and for names
*Periods or exclamation points at end of sentences
*At least 3 sentences
*Lots of details
*Outside and Inside Feelings

*We will finish our Non-Fiction Features book this week.  

*On Friday morning, we will walk to Crisafulli to meet our book buddies.  Please dress your child for the weather outside.

*On Friday, students will go to the Book Fair in the afternoon.  Students can shop at Book Fair or make a wishlist for you to shop during conferences.

*I am looking forward to seeing you next week to discuss your child's progress.  You should receive an email from reminding you of your conference time.  However, if you need a reminder, please just send me an email.  

Looking Ahead
November 21st,  - Author Visit- Emilie Boon 

November 22nd- Book Buddies and Book Fair

November 25th- No School, 2-8pm Parent/Teacher Conferences

November 26th- 2 Hour Delay- 8:30-10:45 Parent/Teacher Conferences 

November 27th- Turkey Trot & 12:20pm Early Release

November 28th and 29th- No School

December 5th- 12:20pm Early Release

Friday, November 8, 2019

Update November 8th

*There is no school on Monday, November 11th in observance of Veteran's Day.  Thank you to all of those who have served or are continuing to serve in the military to keep us protected!

*I sent home next week's spelling list on Friday (November 8th.) Since there is no school on Monday, I wanted students to have the time to practice words if they would like.  We will continue to focus on words with king Ed at the end.

*The sign up link to sign up for conferences will be found on the Robinson School homepage on Tuesday, November 12th at 3:30pm.  Please sign up for a conference that fits your schedule for either Monday, November 25th or Tuesday, November 26th.

*Thank you for all of the offers to volunteer when author Emilie Boon comes in.  I am all set with two volunteers now.

*In Math, we will finish up our Unit 3 Assessment and begin Unit 4.  The focus for Unit 4 in math is standard and non-standard units of measurement.

*In Writing, we are working on adding transition words (next, last, after that) and fancy words to our writing.

Looking Ahead:
November 11th- No School (Veteran's Day)

November 21st, 12:10-1:10 - Author Visit- Emilie Boon (I am in need of two parent volunteers.  Please email me if you are available.)

November 25th- No School, 2-8pm Parent/Teacher Conferences

November 26th- 2 Hour Delay- 8:30-10:45 Parent/Teacher Conferences 

November 27th- Turkey Trot & 12:20pm Early Release

November 28th and 29th- No School

December 5th- 12:20pm Early Release

Friday, November 1, 2019

Update November 1st

*On Tuesday, it will be School Store for first grade.  Students are able to purchase small school supplies.  We suggest that you send in no more than $2 for students to spend at School Store.

*We will begin writing our Non-Fiction books "All About Me."  Please send in a photograph of your child to use in their book.  You can also email me a picture and I will print it out.

*This week in Spelling, we will focus on words that end with e.  We call these words King Ed words.  King Ed sits at the end of the word telling the vowel before him to "say your name."  For Example kit becomes kite with King Ed at the end.

*In Math, we will learn about frames and arrows, which will help us practice addition and subtraction facts. We will also practice using a calculator to help with skip counting.

*In Social Studies, we are learning about being good citizens.  We are also learning about leaders in our country (Neil Armstrong, Clara Barton and George Washington.)  We are talking about common character traits of these leaders: brave, hard worker, caring.

*In handwriting, we will continue to work on our lowercase letters.  I'm encouraging students to begin using lowercase letters when appropriate.  Please encourage your child to start their letters at the top for proper letter formation.

*The class once again filled the pom pom jar from showing expected behavior in our classroom.   Last week they voted to watch a "movie." We watched an episode of Super Monsters on Netflix on Halloween morning.

*On November 21st, we will welcome author and illustrator to our school to teach the first graders about being a writer.  I am in need of one more parent volunteer for this time (11:50-1:20.) Please email me if you are available to help.

*We had a great visit with Mr. LaCoste this morning.  I posted a quick video of the students singing "Don't Give Up on Me" on the seesaw app.  Also, be sure to follow the Robinson School Facebook page for more videos and photos which will be uploaded later today and over the weekend.

Looking Ahead:
November 5th- School Store

November 11th- No School (Veteran's Day)

November 21st, 12:10-1:10 - Author Visit- Emilie Boon (I am in need of two parent volunteers.  Please email me if you are available.)

November 25th- No School, 2-8pm Parent/Teacher Conferences

November 26th- 2 Hour Delay- 8:30-10:45 Parent/Teacher Conferences 

November 27th- 12:20pm Early Release

November 28 & 29- No School