Sunday, May 7, 2017

Update May 8th

*Thank you for coming into school on Friday to see our first grade play.  I was so proud of all of the students work-everyone sounded great!

*Two weeks ago, we began a pom pom jar in our classroom.  Students and the class as a whole earned pom poms for showing 2nd grade behavior.  We quickly filled up the pom pom jar and the students were able to vote on a class reward.  This Tuesday, May 9th, students may bring in a stuffed animal from home to spend the day at school.  Please only send one stuffed animal.  I have extra stuffed animals at school if anyone forgets one on Tuesday.  I will also send a reminder home on Monday.

*On Wednesday, teachers will be participating in placing students in their classes for next school year.  To accommodate the time needed for these meetings, our recess/lunch schedule has changed for the day.  We will have lunch at 11:05 (typically we eat at 12:45.)  Therefore, we will have snack in the afternoon instead of the morning.

*On Friday, students will walk to Crisafulli for our last meeting of the year with our 4th Grade Book Buddies.  Students will read books and spend some time playing together on the playground.  Please dress students for the weather.

*If you haven't come in to be a Mystery Reader this year and would like to read a book to the class, please send me an email at  We can set up a time within the next few weeks to have you come in to read!

*In Science, we will continue our discussion of the number of hours of daylight throughout the year.  We'll also discuss "where is the moon in the sky."  Students will learn about the moon’s path across the sky in one night and observe a calendar to show the moon’s shape at different times of the month. 

*In Math, our focus will be on addition and subtraction including 2 digit addition and adding 3 numbers together.

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