Monday, November 27, 2017

Update November 27th

*I hope you had a great Thanksgiving weekend!  I know my family is excited to move onto the holidays now.  We picked out our Christmas tree yesterday! 

*In Spelling we will continue with King-Ed words.  We also have a few tricky power words on our list, including ARE (so very tricky!)

*In Math, we are continuing our work with non-standard units of measurement.  Today, we measured using pencils of varying lengths.  The kids aren't sure if pencils are the best measurement tool.

*In Social Studies, we are beginning to make goods for our businesses.  Please consider donating the following items to our classroom to help with businesses:
*glitter glue
*letter beads
*empty toilet paper rolls
*empty paper towel rolls
Items donated do not have to be new.  We'll gladly take your scraps or extras!

*This Wednesday, November 29th will be our Turkey Trot in the afternoon from 1:45-2:45.  We are very close to making our $5000 goal!  Please dress students for the weather (right now the forecast is 52 degrees and sunny!) Please also send in a water bottle, clearly marked with your child's name to use while we're outside.  Here's a video made by staff to get kids excited for the trot!

*On Friday, we will welcome our Book Buddies to Robinson for our monthly meetings!

*You will begin to see books coming home more frequently from me, 2-5 times a week!  Please have your child check the reading pocket of their BEE Binder each night to check for books.  It's helpful to have all books returned the next day.  Thanks!

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