Friday, October 18, 2019

Update October 18th

*Thank you for sending in donations for our three school parties.  If you have not sent in the $6 donation for parties, you can send it in with your child in their BEE Binder.   I will go out this weekend to get supplies for our first party, the Harvest Party!

*In Math, we begin Unit 3.  Our focus this week is finding the parts of a number story and their totals.  We will also play domino top it.  Domino Top It is a game you could play at home if you have a set of dominoes.

*Domino Top-It*

1.    Place all of the dominoes on the table face down.

2.    Each player turns over one domino and counts the dots on each end of the domino.

3.    In turn, players say the number model corresponding to their domino; i.e., 4 + 7 =11 (for 4 dots on one end and 7 dots on the other).

4.    The player with the largest sum takes all of the dominoes from that round.

5.    Play continues until all dominoes are gone.

6.    The player with the most dominoes at the end of the game is the winner.

*Reading Groups are going really well.  Some of you have noticed students coming home with reading response journals in their reading bags.  Most of the time I send these home just so you can see what we're working on in reading group.  If I'm expecting the students to do any work in them at home, I will mark that on the reading log.  

*We will begin to learn about Non-Fiction features this week.  We will find features in a read aloud book and then students will explore other non-fiction books from our classroom library to find features.  

*We will begin a social studies unit focusing on Civics.  This week our focus will be on discussing groups we are part of  and the roles different people play.  We will also learn the word "citizen" and talk about what good citizens do at home, school and in our community.

*In Recess Club, we will review expected behaviors and students will share expected behaviors they noticed over the week.  We will read the book How to Lose All of Your Friends and make a list of unexpected behaviors at school.

Looking Ahead
October 31st at 12:45- Harvest Party
November 5th- 1st Grade School Store
November 11th- No School (Veteran's Day observed)
November 25th- No School, 2-8pm Parent/Teacher Conferences
November 26th- 2 Hour Delay- 8:30-10:45 Parent/Teacher Conferences 
November 27th- 12:20pm Early Release

November 28 & 29- No School

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